
Tuesday 1 April 2014

Showers and a DT Call

Looking for our Challenge please scroll down
GDT Call
Crafty Sentiments Designs is now accepting applications for Guest Designers to work with our Design Team for the term of 6 months.
The requirements are: A commitment of 6 months (April 2014 - October 2014).
 Card/ project each fortnight with your card uploaded to the DT personal blog the Saturday before the challenge is posted 

Be able to take quality photographs of your cards/projects.

Must comment on participant’s cards on your assigned numbers, this is an absolute must.

Support your fellow team members.

Be able to promote Crafty Sentiments Designs products on your personal blog, forums and other groups you belong to, also you will need to be able to use our products in different challenges not only ours.

What you get:

 1. A badge for your blog.
 2. New releases to work with our products
3. Members discount for the website
 4.  The opportunity to showcase your work and for your cards to be featured on the website/newsletters.
5. Be apart of a fun and easy flow family of crafters and just have fun
Good luck to everyone can’t wait to see you creations:

Could you send an email with 2 - 3 recent creations to 
Please include your name, email address and mailing address and a link to your blog, also add to the subject line CSD GDT . List to all current Design Teams, tell us a little about yourself we would love to get to know you. 

Good morning all...Well its time for a new challenge and our theme for this week is

Showers of any kind..

ie, Baby showers, Bridal showers, Weather..

Our prize this week is
Don't forget to add #3 of used CS image, #3 if followers of our insp blog, #6 if done both, so you could have up to 6 chances of winning..

Now on to some lovely  cards from the wonderful design team..

Shazza using Rainy Days


Using Rainy Days

Look forward to seing your creations..

Caz and DT  xx


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